Mapper Alpha

Mapper Alpha is a map creation tool made for use in CPE476. It is modeled after radiant, a program used to make maps for gams such as Doom, Quake, and the Call of Duty series.


This program allows the user to create and preview a 3D world. The top window is is 2D view of either the xy, zy or, xz coordinate systems also known as the grid window. The bottom-left window shows realtime preview of the world you are creating and is known as the preview window. The bottom-right window is the texture preview window where you can see the texture being used by the selected brush, if one is selected, or the texture to be used when creating a new brush if none are selected.

How to use Mapper

      'r': cycles the currently selected brush, which is highlighted red in the grid and preview windows
      'esc': unselects the currently selected brush
      'p': prints the current grid coordinate system and the information on the current brush(x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 textureNumber)
    Grid Window:
      'i': moves the grid down
      'j': moves the grid right
      'k': moves the grid up
      'l': moves the grid left
      'v': cycles the current view
    Preview Window
      'w': moves the camera forward according to current view
      'a': moves the camera left according to current view
      's': moves the camera backward according to current view
      'd': moves the camera right according to current view
      'f': moves the camera up
      'c': moves the camera down
      'right click + drag': rotates the view
      'left click + drag':
        if no brush selected: creates a new brush according to mouse release
        if brush selected and mouse clicked within box: moves brush on current coordinate system
        if brush selected and if mouse clicked outside of box: stretches relevent side of brush in relevant direction
        'right click': brings up menu that allows you to change the grid lines and import and export your map
      'right click': brings up menu that allows you to import and change textures and import and export your map

Note: All input is done through the console(texture importing, map import/export)

Simple Skybox and House

Resources Used

Used Lighthouse 3D Subwindow Tutorial to create the general multiple window interface.

Executable for Linux

right click and save as...